Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Times flying by and things are getting pulled together for the end of year fashion show. I’ve been asked to find some music for my collection and nothing from YouTube is allowed. Not sure the reason why not, but it could be licensing purposes.

Since young I have never been bothered about music, if someone asked me a question about any song or singer, even classic singers/songs I will never be able to answer. Some people say music inspires them and they cant live without music or travel without music, but for me? I can drive 4 hours silently…

Sometimes I even feel embarrassed for not knowing a famous song or a singer, my family thinks I’m weird but if I’m not interested then I’m not interested. I grew up and hung around different groups of friends who liked different types of music for example dance, pop, rock, indie, hip hop, rap, k-pop and the list goes on. So I never decided what music I liked and surprisingly my boyfriend is exactly the same, he’s not bothered about music either and I thought it was so unique to find someone the same as me.

So anyway finding music for the fashion show was a little hard, first of all where to look? I asked my brother since he does filming and he often needs sound and music in his videos. He told me to look into Royalty free music, as these are unlicensed music that can be used, and of I went punching “royalty free music” into Google. I landed on a few websites but most of them I had to pay until I came across purple planet.  Now I couldn’t decide which is best to use for the show so I asked my sister to help and we decided on cattle drive, its quite upbeat but it’s a cowboy tune. Anyway I gave it a shot, not having a clue if it’s good or not and it was a definite no. Good job I asked my tutor to check! So I’ve chosen a few now and will decide which one to go with tomorrow.

Will update on which one I will be using soon…

Goodnight world xx


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